5 Proven Strategies to Encourage Customers to Rate 5-star

5 Proven Strategies to Encourage 5-Star Ratings

5 Proven Strategies

The method of converting the selling rate and boosting sale has been modified in the 21st century. It has become more of expecting reviews from customers across. Businesses are focusing on getting customer reviews in bulk to build brand reputation and increase the count of customers from all over the world.

Online reviews majorly impact every business enterprise whether small or large scale. It signifies visitors and assures them to take action, experience their offering and also letting them do the same.

Well, the point Is clear, online positive reviews comes from satisfied customers and negative reviews are posted by dissatisfied customers. Although, both aspects play a pivotal role in business. HOW? Let me explain you in detail. Suppose Mr. John hired a moving company and the movers didn’t meet his expectations as they caused damage to his belongings and furniture. Now, an unhappy customer, Mr. John will write a review of the Company’s Business Google Page. Further, if the manager of the moving company responds to him positively, apologize for his offering and improvise his service for the next time, he can add a chance to his business by converting negative feedback to a positive one.

It is always better to respond to customer reviews even if it is negative. It directly affects customer and creates a positive image in their mind.

Know the Time to Ask Based on their Personal Experience

It is always better to know the right time for identifying the experience of customers. The customer tends to post reviews when they are happy with your product or service or disappointed with the same. So, it is always better to identify their issues and resolve them so that other customers also get positive feedback.

Just imagine: if you request a customer to write a review at the wrong time, will you be able to receive positive feedback from him/her. Not! Dissatisfied customers leave a negative review that more than a hundred people read while considering or before getting in touch with your company.

Ask Your Customers for a Review When-

  • They experience success and feel happy with your product or service.
  • When they re-order or make a purchase again.
  • They tag your brand or a company in a post on social media.
  • They are spending much time on your website surfing products or services.
  • They give a reference to another customer

Implement a Strategy That Works for You at Scale

Based on the Big Commerce report, 50 or more reviews per product can help your business convert business rates at 4.6%. The most beneficial point here is that more reviews states more proof and however, more trust in your brand. More to this, dating reviews makes a less positive impact on customers and recent reviews post inspire more confidence amongst customers.

To truly increase conversion rates, makes sure to get a regular check and daily updates on testimonials as social proof however getting onto them should become a regular part of your business.

Following are some avenues that will help get reviews from customers in bulk-

  • Guide and train your team members to politely request your customers for review posting after every successful product or service delivery.
  • Incorporate your reviews request as a marketing campaign sideways.
  • Build a great relationship with your customers and personally request them to write a review on your website.
  • Mention review links and thankyou pages as a final step and keep it optional.

Take a Benefit of Customer Happiness

Receiving positive customer feedback can be winsome but most often, we fail at times to receive one. So, if you receive any customer feedback or praise from them verbally, it is your plus point and a duty to get that verbal communication convert in written on Google that every individual gets through it and come to a point of customer happiness.
Though, when your customers experience good with your work, they may also likely to facilitate a good review.

Reviews Help in Promoting Brand

Before buying any product or hiring service providers for your task, almost everyone searches for reviews. Based on the customers’ feedbacks, they take further action and recommend the company to their friends and family in case if they liked their offering.

When customers visit your page, they directly hit the review button. Well, their final decision of purchasing products and services depends on other customer experiences.

Be Thankful & Grateful for your Valued Customers

Reviews are the perfect and simple medium to communicate with your customers directly. You come to know your customer’s experiences and based on that you can further make changes in your business if you receive negative feedback and you can get a chance to be grateful to them for using your product or service.

Being responsive even on negative review draws a great impact on the business and helps in business growth.


Customers choose to purchase products by trusting online reviews over the personal recommendation. Well, in a survey 88 per cent of customers were recorded for the same reason. Not only this, but they also found 72 per cent of customers will take action after going through a customer review. With those statistics, people are more likely to climb the ladder of online reviews and further taking action.

Reviews are essential for building a story of the brand and creating an image for the business in a standardized manner. Though it can be challenging to bring customers and letting them write reviews on your business page, it can be easy too. A little effort and hard work are required to do so. And, after that, you will surely be able to rank your business on top of the Google page.


With no spam existence, we will help your brand bag a collection of positive reviews in the big count. Get Reviews Buzz is a leading platform that aesthetically creates a profile with the correct IP address manifesting a positive image of your brand to the next level. Professionals and experts here expertly cater to the authentic feedbacks that drive results positively in great numbers. Stay headed and reach us NOW!


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